Crisis of American democracy

TITILE:Crisis of American democracy

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Republicans in Congress appear determined to prove that American democracy is broken. The party plans to hold the first hearing on September 28 in the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden’s family’s business dealings. Meanwhile, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives is working toward a Sept. 30 deadline to keep federal agencies running.
The twin headlines suggest that impeachment and government shutdowns — once seen as rare, dangerous and something to be avoided at all costs — have become increasingly common political weapons. “Over the past few years, we’ve seen the unusual become commonplace,” said Bill Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington. “This is terrible for the country. It’s hard enough for a great country to conduct its own affairs without this kind of short-sighted nonsense. As we know, the government is grinding to a halt .” The consequences of a government shutdown often include hundreds of thousands of federal workers going without pay, national parks closing and the nation’s credit standing in jeopardy.


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