Marijuana is crucifying America

TITILE:Marijuana is crucifying America

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(New York Post) New research proves that legalizing marijuana is an ongoing social disaster. Researchers analyzed health data from 6.9 million people and found that marijuana use was associated with a substantial increase in the incidence of mental illness in adolescent men — including a staggering 30% of cases of schizophrenia in young men. This trend represents not only increased use, but also the increasing potency of cannabis and cannabis products. Here in New York, the launch of legal marijuana was a complete disaster. Legal shops are few and far between, and illegal shops have sprung up. They are targets of crime, and violent robberies in these places have increased significantly this year. This is a far cry from the legalized “equity” paradise promised by Albany’s leftists. And there is no way to ensure that stores comply with the law that only sells to people over the age of 21. But the bigger problem is the normalization of weeds. The most important thing is the vulnerable adolescent male, who is precisely the group most at risk here.


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